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美 [ˈriːsnt slaɪd]英 [ˈriːsnt slaɪd]
  • 最近的下跌
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  1. Some analysts view the recent slide in share prices as temporary .


  2. Houston 's inability to hit the open shot has been the theme throughout its recent slide .


  3. Eventually , however , the price will weaken : it is even possible that the recent slide to below $ 1,200 marks the turn .


  4. The recent slide in the dollar has made life difficult for Asian countries that peg or tightly manage their currencies against the greenback .


  5. By most fair-value gauges , the euro is still dear against the dollar , notwithstanding its recent slide .


  6. The recent slide in the dollar had briefly been arrested on Wednesday following an upward revision to official estimates of US third quarter growth .


  7. Jewellery demand might be more price inelastic , but that is also a matter of fashion to some extent , as a recent slide in sales suggests .


  8. Energy chiefs of OPEC converging on Vienna this week rejected the call for an oil output increase in light of the recent slide in crude prices .


  9. The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) met in Vienna on September9th to discuss how to respond to the recent slide in prices .


  10. Whatever the reason , here is a quick way to get reacquainted with recent stock-market history : Slide open your iPhone , check your Facebook page and you are done .


  11. The toxicity to adult females and eggs of Tetranychus viennensis were tested with several acaricides have been used in recent years by both slide dip method and leaf disk dip method .
